Monday, October 23, 2017

Private Vegan Chef Ann Arbor Michigan

Private Chef for Vegetarian and Vegan Dinner Parties and meal prep in the Ann Arbor, Michigan area. Want to show your friends what fantastic Vegan Cuisine is like? I’d be happy to help. Hourly or by the plate. We can work out an appropriate menu. Below are pictures of a small sampling of some of the many dishes that I make.  I also post on Instagram:   Please email ctiexec@ gmail DOT com, or text or call for reservations 734-545-2267 between 9am and 9pm EST.  ~JT

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The Yoyo Effect movie trailer

The Film That The Weightloss Industry Doesn't Want You To See!  Watch the YoYo Effect movie trailer.  Coming Spring of 2018:

Monday, September 18, 2017

Shangri-La "It's in our nature" - Bruno Aveillan

Interesting message in this commercial, worth the 3 minutes to watch.  I wont spoil it for you.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Blue Zones – Live to 100 years! Lessons From Centurions – The Blue Zone Way

As originally posted on my blog at:

Blue Zones – Live to 100 years! Lessons From Centurions – The Blue Zone Way

You may have heard about the Blue Zones and / or the Power 9® (Power 9 is a registered trademark of Blue Zones, LLC) . Blue Zones are places around the world where people are recorded to live longer. There are less middle-aged onset of preventable diseases like heart disease and adult onset (type 2) diabetes, and premature death. There are many people recorded in these areas that live into their 100’s (centurions).
These places are:
  1. Sardinia, Italy
  2. Okanawa, Japan
  3. Loma Linda, California, United States
  4. Ikaria, Greece
  5. Nicoya, Coast Rica
Dan Buettner is a National Geographic Fellow who has spent well over a decade researching longevity. His research, along with funding and participation from National Geographic and the National Institute of Aging, showed that there are 9 common characteristics in the “Blue Zone” communities now known as the “Power 9®”.
The “Power 9®” are as follows:
1. Move naturally
De-convenience your home, take the stairs, park farther away from the entrance and grow gardens. Have an errand not far away…walk! Walking is one of the best activities for longevity.
2. Know your purpose
Know why you wake up each day! This alone can add seven years to your life. Be able to articulate your values, passions, gifts and talents.
3. Down shift
Stress leads to chronic inflammation which is associated with every major age-related disease. Find your de-stressor: meditate, nap, pray, or enjoy happy hour.
4. The 80% rule
Cut 20% of your calories with evidence based practices: eat a big breakfast, eat with your family, use 10 inch plates, and stop when you feel 80% full.
5. Plant slant
Eat a plant-based diet that’s heavy on the beans, nuts and green plants.
6. Wine at 5
Moderate drinkers outlive non-drinkers. The trick is to drink 2 or maybe 3 drinks per day and not a drop more.
7. Family first
Living in a loving and thriving family can add six years to your ticker! Invest time in your kids, nurture a monogamous relationship and keep aging parents near by.
8. Belong
It doesn’t matter if you’re Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish or some other religion that meets as a community. Research shows that attending faith-based services four times per month will add 4-14 years of life expectancy.
9. Right tribe
Take stock in who your friends are and extend your social circle to include healthy-minded, supportive people.
In addition to his research, Mr. Buettner wrote a book called ‘The Blue Zone Solution‘.  He believes that the lifestyles of the people in the world’s Blue Zones can be adapted and duplicated in towns across North America. As a result, Buettner launched a preventive health care project in the United States called ‘The Blue Zones City Makeovers’. This initiative has impacted the health of millions of Americans in cities like Spencer, Iowa; Albert Lea, Minnesota; and Klamath Falls, Oregon. You can read more about the project at:
I have listened to several TedX talks and interviews of Dan Buettner. Some of his additional insights on his research of Blue Zones and longevity include:


blue zones centurions longevity

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Is Gluten Sensitivity Real?

Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity – Is it real?

I have been in the restaurant business for many years. Over the last 7 to 8 years or so, there had been a dramatic rise in people asking about gluten free menu items claiming they were gluten intolerant, gluten sensitive, or had a gluten or wheat allergy. I figured it was all in their head, or that this was just another fad diet trend. But it got me curious, and got me thinking about why the massive rise. Not just a slight rise, but a truly huge rise in people claiming gluten sensitivity. Surely it is not possible that all of a sudden, many people have wheat allergies or Celiac Disease. So I decided to do some research to satisfy my curiosity.

A couple of quick research facts:

A search for “gluten sensitivity” in Google returns over 562,000 results.
A search for “gluten free diet” in Google returns over 722,000 results.
There are over 100,000 medical papers published on Celiac Disease and gluten sensitivity.
It is estimated that 17 Million Americans claim gluten sensitivity.
It is best estimated that around 2% of the population have Celiac Disease or gluten sensitivities.

Celiac Disease, Wheat Allergies, and Gluten Sensitivity:

True Celiac Disease is a serious, genetic, autoimmune disease where the ingestion of gluten causes damage to the small intestine. This is a genuine, diagnosable medical condition. Wheat allergies are another serious health condition and those with a true allergy would likely have a reaction with anaphylaxis (an allergic reaction requiring epinephrine).

But what about non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS)? Gluten sensitivity or intolerance is a condition that causes a person to negatively react after ingesting gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. Those with NCGS have symptoms similar to Celiac disease such as “foggy mind”, depression, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, headaches, bone or joint pain, and chronic fatigue.

Confusing Information about NCGS:

NCGS has variable and wide-ranging symptoms which overlap with a number of other diseases (like Irritable Bowel Syndrome) making it difficult to study. Many have argued that NCGS does not exist at all or that it may not be caused by the gluten portion of foods.

A lot of food companies have jumped on the gluten-free bandwagon in order to profit from gluten-free products. There are now many purveyors of the ketogenic and paleo style diets. Their associated companies, supplements, and programs have also jumped on the gluten-free bandwagon as a result of populist consensus and consumer demand.

Interestingly, it is difficult to find good information on the topic that includes solid science. Most of the articles and ‘studies’ have inconclusive evidence of NCGS as a medically founded condition.
Predominant Media Outlets like Forbes, NY Times, and Time Magazine all publish articles that question if gluten sensitivity even exists. They cite a 2011 study that failed the nocebo effect involving all of 37 people and conclude that NCGS is all in people’s head or that another condition exists instead.

FODMAP’s and ‘Leaky Gut Syndrome’; More Confusion and Overlapping Issues:

FODMAP’s (which is an acronym derived from “Fermentable, Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides And Polyols”, and are short chain carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed in the small intestine) are now being blamed for IBS instead of gluten. Some studies have been done to justify this prognosis. Without going into great detail on this extensive subject, NONE of the studies that have been done are ruling out one thing first without the other. At least one of these studies have been funded by a big food company Nestle. Nestlé owns over 8,500 brands in over 80 countries which includes a heavy investment in the wheat industry.

In addition to not having solid science on this topic, big industry often confuses this issue as there are many fad foods and supplements out there to ‘help’ people with FODMAP issues and IBS. Perhaps you have heard the term ‘Leaky Gut Syndrome’. It is also called ‘Increased Intestinal Permeability’. This ‘syndrome’ lumps IBS, food sensitivities, inflammatory conditions, mood disorders, and even autism together. Many online ‘doctors’ suggests that those with a ‘leaky gut’ should buy a certain e-book, paleo cure book, take certain probiotic supplements, and even consume bone broth (all conveniently available on their websites).

Increased Intestinal Permeability is somewhat of a medical mystery. The possible cause of leaky gut is increased intestinal permeability or intestinal hyperpermeability. That could happen when tight junctions in the gut, which control what passes through the lining of the small intestine, don’t work properly. That could let substances leak into the bloodstream. According to gastroenterologist Donald Kirby, MD, director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the Cleveland Clinic: “Physicians don’t know enough about the gut, which is our biggest immune system organ.” He goes on to say, “‘Leaky gut syndrome’ isn’t a diagnosis taught in medical school. Instead, leaky gut really means you’ve got a diagnosis that still needs to be made. You hope that your doctor is a good-enough Sherlock Holmes, but sometimes it is very hard to make a diagnosis. We don’t know a lot but we know that it exists.”
If you do a search for “Leaky Gut Syndrome”, every self-help online medical adviser, every magazine, many fad diets, and many supplement companies have just the answer you need in only 4 easy steps. Huffington Post (The leader in investigative journalism – Note sarcasm) has ‘ Everything You Need To Know About Leaky Gut Syndrome’ in 10 simple paragraphs. Yet we can’t come to a scientific conclusion about gluten and wheat sensitivities, and this syndrome is a medical mystery!

Non-Profits ‘Helping’ Those With CD and NCGS:

What about the organizations that are supposed to help with Celiac Disease and NCGS?
I looked at some of the large non-profit organizations on Celiac disease. The Celiac Disease Foundation is funded by big players in the wheat industry: Lance Foods, Cheerios, Frito Lay, General Mills, Lucky Charms, Nature Valley, Pepsico, etc. On their website, they are extremely careful about what they say about gluten sensitivity:
“The gluten-free diet is sometimes promoted as a way to lose weight, or as a “healthier” diet for the general population.  These claims are unfounded.  The gluten-free diet is healthier for people with gluten-related disorders (celiac disease or gluten sensitivity), but there is no evidence that it is beneficial for people who do not have these conditions.” They go on to say: “The prevalence of non-celiac gluten sensitivity is not established.”

Another 501c3 organization called Beyond Celiac takes in around 3 million USD per year and boasts an impressive list of food manufacturers as their donors. They are also careful about their stance on NCGS and point to the possible link of FODMAPs stating:
“The science on gluten sensitivity is evolving and we’re learning new information on the condition regularly. New research suggests that gluten alone may not be responsible for the symptoms produced by the condition currently called gluten sensitivity. Instead, it is showing that perhaps FODMAPs, a group of poorly digested carbohydrates, may be the cause of the symptoms instead. In addition, they encourage people to check out: ‘Is Gluten Really the Problem? The Role of FODMAPs in Gluten-Related Disorders’.”

Big Business:

You can imagine that wheat is a big business. There are billions of dollars at stake in the wheat industry. From the farmers, to the big agriculture companies, to the food manufacturers, to the crop insurance companies, to the commodities brokers, to the transportation companies (which also would includes fossil fuel), to the fertilizer and pesticide manufacturers. Some of these companies fund studies to confuse the issue and cast doubt on NCGS. Incidentally, the goal of the National Wheat Growers Association is to double the wheat production by 2030 to meet demand of a growing population.

Additional Scientific Information: 

Another study was conducted from 2013 to 2015 on patients with IBS (but without Celiac disease or a wheat allergy). A gluten-free diet helped those those with IBS and symptoms associated with gluten sensitivity. This was a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled study. The conclusion was that:
“A gluten diet may worsen the symptoms of IBS patients. Therefore, some form of gluten sensitivity other than Celiac disease exists in some of them, and patients with IBS may benefit from gluten restrictions.”

One of my personal favorite nutrition experts that I highly respect is Dr. Michael Greger from He suggests that NCGS is certainly a condition that cannot be dismissed, but perhaps it is not just gluten. He states: “Most people with wheat sensitivity have a variety of other food sensitivities. Two thirds are sensitive to cow’s milk protein as well, then eggs were the most common culprit [of gut symptoms].”

Lack Of Science:

I could not find any studies that eliminate dairy products first in NCGS patients. However, approximately 70 percent of African Americans, 90 percent of Asian Americans, 53 percent of Mexican Americans, 74 percent of Native Americans, and 14 percent of Caucasian Americans are lactose intolerant!! 90% of the population in China is lactose intolerant!
I also could not find any studies conducted on those that seem to have IBS with NCGS that included introducing organic wheat. All studies only refer to wheat or gluten in general.

Other Possible Links to NCGS, IBS, Leaky Gut:

What percentage of people do you suppose are glyphosate intolerant?

Glyphosate is Roundup. It is a pesticide used in agriculture. It is also used in the desiccation process (drying of wheat prior to harvest) in a lot of our wheat supply. It is also used on 70 different crops in the US including wheat, soy, tomatoes, sugar, nuts, oranges, apples, beans, and corn . Glyphosate has been banned in Italy, Malta, Sri Lanka, The Netherlands, and Argentina. It is part of the reason for Brexit (The E.U. was close to a ban on glyphosate and Britain framers didn’t want the regulation). The World Health Organization’s research arm declares glyphosate a probable carcinogen, and it was just recently placed on the list of ‘Probably Carcinogenic’ in California.

A search for ‘antibiotics healthy gut’ give 728,000 results and the prevalent theme is that antibiotics wreak havoc on a healthy gut.


FACT: Glyphosate is antimicrobial. An antimicrobial is an agent that kills microorganisms or stops their growth.
FACT: Antibiotics are used to kill microbes.
FACT: Much of our food supply is loaded with antibiotics (namely meat and dairy).
FACT: Gut Health or ‘Healthy Gut Flora’ requires the presence of microbial bacteria.
FACT: The standard American diet is low in healthy bacteria.
FACT: Each year in the United States, at least 2 million people become infected with bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics and at least 23,000 people die each year as a direct result of these infections. Source: CDC There has been a surge in antibiotic-resistant microbes.

Unanswered Questions:

What percentage of animal waste contains antibiotics? This is the same waste (manure) that we use to fertilize our soil for crops.

Is antibiotic laden animal waste contributing to antibiotic resistant strains of harmful bacteria?
Is the manure that has been found to contain antibiotics and thus fertilizing our crops contributing to unhealthy gut flora?


If we are killing off all of our healthy gut bacteria by what we consume, wouldn’t that contribute to IBS, NCGS, Leaky Gut, and Food Intolerance? If we change our diet to include foods that nourish us and aren’t full of pesticides and antibiotics won’t that change our insides and ultimately our health?
I am convinced that nutrition is the primary factory that contributes to our health. I have tried various health and diet fads. In the long run, they don’t work. I am also convinced that eating a whole foods, plant based diet that is completely organic is the best thing for optimal health. That will be the topic for my next post.

In the mean time, watch the documentary ‘What The Health’ on Netflix. It is an eye opening look at the effect of big business and lobbyists on the organizations like the FDA, the American Cancer Society, the American Diabetes Association, and the American Heart Association. They are supposed to be helping us but are unduly influenced by big business.

‘Let Food Be Thy Medicine And Medicine Be Thy Food’ Hippocrates

Please check out my other blog posts. As always, if you have any questions about my content please feel free to reach out to me directly.


Saturday, July 1, 2017

10 Tips For Pet Safety During 4th of July

As originally posted on:
10 Tips For Pet Safety During 4th of July

According to more pets runaway on the 4th of July than any other day of the year. The Humane Society states that “animal shelters around the nation report a dramatic increase in lost pets during the Fourth Of July holiday”.

Between loud parties, strange guests, and loud fireworks, pets are out of their normal element. Often times we take them with us to picnics, the lake, and to places they are unfamiliar with. The fact is, animals cower at the sound of firecrackers and fireworks displays. The bright lights will often send them into panic mode. Their desire to escape these sights and sounds make runaway pets common on this National holiday.

Here are a 10 quick tips to help you ensure your pet safety during the Independence Day Holiday:

1. Always Tag Your Pets! Virtually every pet store and many grocery stores now have pet tags or automated machines that create pet tags for under $10.00. There is no reason why every pet that can go outdoors should not have a collar and tag. You can also get tage on Amazon for a whopping $3.70 CLICK HERE

2. Leave Your Pets At Home! Loud crowded venues and Fireworks displays are terrifying for pets. Don’t bring your pets to these events.

3. Get Your Dogs Outdoors! PRIOR to Fireworks take them for some exercise and to go potty.
4. Keep Your Pets Indoors! During all Fireworks, keep your pets indoors and try to close all open windows and curtains if possible.

5. Give Your Pets Something To Do! During fireworks, make sure they have their favorite toys and something to chew on.

6. Give Your Pets a Safe Place! Some pets will hide and it often helps if they have a bed or crate that they are comfortable in.

7. Get Your Pet Therapy! If you happen to have a pet that is sound phobic, you can try music that is calming and therapeutic. There is a product available that is a calming aid to dogs called: PetNC Natural Care Calming Formula Soft Chews

8. Avoid Chemicals! I know this sounds like a no brainer, but insect repellents, sunscreen, and things like citronella candles are unnatural for pets. Only use pet approved products.

9. Try The ThunderShirt! For overly anxious dogs there is a product called ThunderShirt – Click HERE. Here is the review by CBS News on the product:

10. If Your Pet Is Lost: The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals® (ASPCA®) has an app that can help you locate your pet at . In addition, The Humane Society has the Center For Lost Pets at:

Thank you for taking time to read these tips. I am an animal lover and animal advocate. If you are interested in information about Veganism, please visit my Vegan Resource List.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Transitioning From Vegetarian to Vegan

As originally posted on:

I call a vegan ‘diet’ a lifestyle instead of a diet because it really is not a change in diet as much as it is a lifestyle and mindset change.  When I began my journey in October 2016 to change my eating habits, I started with a vegetarian diet.  I primarily consumed whole grains, fruits and vegetables.  I was also eating dairy products, especially cheese,  along with eggs, and fish.  I did not like the idea of giving up pizza, cheese and crackers, and I was concerned about getting enough protein.

It is important to realize that the meat, diary, and egg industries in the Western world are extremely powerful.  In the U.S. the Meat, Poultry, and Diary Associations are deep-rooted in the USDA and FDA.  We have seen powerful campaigns in our education system and on television.  For example: “Got Milk?”  We have essentially been brainwashed into thinking that the only way to get enough calcium, vitamin D, and protein in our diets is via the consumption of meat, eggs, and dairy products.  Once you begin to realize that you are a product of your upbringing, teaching, conditioning, and training, and couple that with your desire to do the best possible things for your health, you begin seeking the truth.

The fact is, multi-billion dollar industries are not going to go away without a fight.  They will spread misinformation and propaganda in order to protect their financial interests.  If you think that greed and corporate capitalism will give you unbiased science, research, and information; I hate to tell you that you are dead wrong.  Unfortunately many people end up with massive health problems as they grow older.  Think about this as well: How big of an industry is modern medicine and pharmacology?  Do you really think that you will receive proper nutritional information when your poor health brings benefits to these industries?

To choose a vegan lifestyle, one has to change their mindset and throw out much of what we have been taught.  It is not easy to believe that you have been lied to your entire life.  It is almost unfathomable to consider that your fellow countrymen/countrywomen would feed you misinformation to the detriment of your best well being in order to profit from your eventual demise.  You don’t have to believe me.  The science and research has already been done by non-profit organizations.  I would encourage you to do the research yourself.  I have included some research information below.

If you choose to live a vegan lifestyle, it does not mean that you have to throw out all your leather shoes and become an animal activist! The things that I have found for me personally is that I feel a whole lot better, and I have gotten my health and life back.  I went from a 350 pound BBQ restaurant owner to a healthy person living a vegan lifestyle.  If you are interested to learn more about my journey, start with this blog post: “How I Lost Over 100 Pounds Eating Mindfully”.

I was asked two questions recently during an interview.  1. What would you tell yourself prior to choosing a plant based diet?  2. What would you tell other people that are considering a plant based diet?  The answers are:  1. I would tell myself to slow down, stop to think, and do your research in order to make the best you.  2. Don’t listen to what everyone else tells you and don’t be afraid of not getting enough protein and nutrients in a plant based diet.  If you are at all concerned about plant based protein sources, I have at comprehensive list on my blog post, “What Do Gorilla’s Eat?”.
Another question that I sometimes get asked is if I miss meat and dairy.  The answer is no.  I am not going to say that it was easy to stop eating animal products and bi-products.  I can tell you as a Chef that after a little time you will begin to really enjoy the taste of fresh produce and whole grains.  Processed foods taste horrible to me now, and the smell of meat is a turn-off.  I have also found so many foods that taste so much better!  There are tons of resources available for vegan recipes including on this blog.

I feel that I have to make a mention about eating fish and seafood.  For those concerned about animal welfare, fish do feel pain.  For those concerned about the environment, commercial fishing is destroying our oceans and its habitat.  For those concerned about your health, there is so much pollution and plastics in our oceans that I think it is a detriment to our health to consume products that come from the ocean that may be full of chemicals and plastic particles.  For More Information on Plastics in our Ocean click here.  Enough said.

I’ll leave you with this thought: Do you want to grow old gracefully?  Would you prefer to not experience a myriad of health issues?  If you desire to live a healthy life and grow older gracefully, please consider a vegan lifestyle.  I promise that you won’t be disappointed!


Additional Vegan Resources HERE.

As always, feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any questions about this post or any of its content.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Giving Up Cheese & Going Vegan

As originally posted on: 

Giving Up Cheese & Going Vegan
It is with sad regret that I must inform you that as a Vegan you must give up cheese!  I am a long time Chef and a restauranteur.  I am a lover of pizza.  I am a wine connoisseur and wine was always best with CHEESE.  I am not going to lie and say that it was easy to give up cheese!

I was a teenager in the 80’s and the American Dairy Association ran commercials called “Cheese, Glorious Cheese”, which was a take on Lionel Bart’s opening song in the musical “Oliver”.  The commercial depicted cheese in many forms and people basically having a love affair with their cheese.  I am sure you have seen commercials from Kraft, Velveeta, Pizza Hut, Dominoes, Cheez-Its, Laughing Cow, Wisconsin Cheese Maker Association, Philadelphia Cream Cheese, Panda Cheese, and the likes.  They all depict close up images of cheese and all of its melty goodness.

What those cheese commercials don’t show is cholesterol clogged arteries, heart attacks, flatulence, irritable bowel syndrome, or casein (found in dairy products and causes tumor growth)!  The fact is, refraining from eating dairy products is beneficial to your health.  The benefit to your health far outweighs the potential outcome of eating dairy products.

Think of cheese like heroin.  It feels good at the moment, but the detriment to your health and well being is just not worth it.  In fact, dairy products are addictive!  Cheese (as well as all bovine milk derived products) contains casomorphins – which are protein fragments, derived from the digestion of the milk protein, Casein. The distinguishing characteristic of casomorphins is that they have an opioid effect, just like heroin!

The science concerning my aforementioned statements is solid and readily available.  I would encourage you to do the research yourself.  I am have additional information on dairy HERE.
Here is the good news about giving up cheese:
  1. The addiction to cheese becomes easier with time.  Like any addiction, it becomes easier to abstain as more time passes.
  2. Fresh vegetables will begin to taste better to you in time.  Having a pizza without cheese and loaded with fresh goodness and herbs will be a wonderful treat.
  3. You can make cheese-like products out of nuts!  Cookbook links below.
  4. There are LOTS of cheese-like dairy alternatives available on the market.  Here is a quick list for your review:
    1. Daiya Foods
    2. Dr. Cow Tree Nut Cheese
    3. Field Roast Chao Slices
    4. Follow Your Heart
    5. Go Veggie! Foods (not all products are vegan)
    6. Kite-Hill Artisan Vegan Cheese
    7. Miyoko’s Creamery
    8. Nacheez Vegan Nacho Cheese
    9. Parma! Vegan Parmesan
    10. Sheese by Bute Island
    11. Teese by Chicago Vegan Foods
My final thoughts on cheese consumption:  Not only is diary horrible for your health, the dairy industry is extremely cruel to the cows, and animal agriculture is destroying our environment.  It takes approximately 2,500 gallons of fresh water to produce one pound of cheese.  The average size dairy farm of 700 cows uses 3.4 million gallons of water PER DAY.  Besides water consumption, there are many other environmental concerns over animal agriculture.  I will not list all of those today but I would encourage you to watch Cowspiracy.

If you have any concerns about getting enough protein in your diet, please see my article “What Do Gorilla’s Eat?”. In addition, please read my post “G.OughT Milk?  Does It Do A Body Good?” HERE.

I hope this article is helpful.  As always, please feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any questions at ctiexec at gmail dot com.


I Blog Dairy Free

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Do Gorillas Eat MEat?

Do Gorillas Eat Meat?  As originally posted on:

A Silverback Gorilla is a mature male Mountain Gorilla weighing between 300 and 400 pounds. He is incredibly strong and lean and has massive canines (teeth). Females gorillas are 150 to 250 pounds. The gorilla diet consists of eating 40 plus pounds of vegetation and fruit daily. Gorillas are Herbivores and snack on termites, ants, and termite larvae but gorillas DO NOT eat meat or the flesh of other animals.

Chances are that you are reading this article because you are considering a vegetarian or vegan diet. Gorillas have a similar digestive system as a human. There are, however some major differences in what humans should consume versus a gorilla.

First, it should be noted that gorillas derive much of their Vitamin B12 from eating plants that are not washed in chlorinated water! Vitamin B12 is found in bacteria in soil. In addition, they eat termites and ants that are covered in nutrient rich soil. Humans wash much of their produce and the produce you buy is washed with chlorinated or purified water thus losing much of the nutrients that you might have otherwise derived from ingesting soil. It is also important to note that much of the agricultural products produced for humans are produced in soil that is mostly depleted of nutrients. It is paramount that humans have adequate amounts of Vitamin B12 and is highly recommended for vegans to take a Vitamin B12 supplement.

Humans have a smaller colon and a larger small intestine than gorillas and other primates. As a result, we require softer, less fibrous, and more nutrient and energy dense foods. It would be difficult for a human to digest much of the stems, leaves and seeds that are part of the diet of other primates. Thus the reason we crush, chop, and cook much of our produce and fibrous foods. It is believed that this is a result of the human agriculture revolution and human adaptation.

Since gorillas have larger colons, they ferment much of their plant fibers in their gut. The gorilla has six times the absorption available from the colon than a human does, which means they have many times the amount of bacteria available for digestion of plant cellulose. Humans pass most of the plant cellulose and are unable to digest it, and human capacity to convert plant fiber to fatty acid is quite limited. Fatty acids (Omega 3 and Omega 6) are essential to human health.

Another big difference between humans and other primates and most other animals is the amount of amylase (a digestive enzyme) that we produce. This enzyme helps in the digestion and break down of starches like rice, wheat, maize (corn), and potatoes. It is likely that this is a direct result of adaptation as some studies suggest that cultures with a higher intake of starch (Japan) produce more amylase. In other words, humans are able to easily consume and process starchy foods and thrive on those starches.  Some believe that humans are essentially ‘Starchivores’.

It is most likely that early humans lived in warm climates and ate the fruits of the what nature produced naturally. Namely fruits and nuts. As our population has grown, we rely on agriculture and foods that humans plant and produce. What we consume today may not be what early humans ate, but it does show that humans are highly adaptive.

Could we eat like a gorilla? A gorilla diet would allow for our survival but I don’t believe it is the most beneficial diet for a human. At the same time, the diet that most cultures eat today is dangerous to our health and the health of our planet. Obesity rates and chronic diseases have run rampant. Our planet is dying and if we don’t change what we are doing, we are destined for extinction.

If you are considering a vegetarian or vegan diet, I would highly recommend it for the benefit of your health and the benefit of this planet we share. All you have to do is look around you to know that our current course is not healthy. I can tell you from my personal experience that it changed my life! (You can read about that HERE). I would encourage you to do the research to ensure that you are getting the nutrients that you need in your diet and to not just ‘go vegan’ uninformed. I have many resources available in this blog. I would also encourage you to visit 

A well balanced diet is important for your health and longevity so please know what you should and should not put in your body!  I am very careful about my diet as there is a lot of longevity in my family, but there is also a lot of chronic disease like diabetes and heart disease.  I will likely live into my 90’s and I plan to grow old gracefully!

As always, if you have any questions about my posts or content, please feel free to reach out to me directly.


P.S. I have an additional article on this subject titled “What Do Gorilla’s Eat”

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

The 3 Best Things I Did For My Heath

The 3 Best Things I Did For My Health as originally posted on:

If you have followed along with my blog posts, I recently posted ‘How I Lost Over 100 Pounds Eating Mindfully’. As a recap, I was a BBQ restaurant owner (smoked meats) and a craft beer drinker. I had gained about 150 pounds in a little over 5 years doing things like eating late after I closed the restaurant, and drinking too much amazing Michigan Craft Beer. My health deteriorated and I ended up in the hospital with a long list of prescriptions.

How could someone gain that much weight? Some of it, as mentioned above, was life circumstance. Part of it was poor discipline and poor choices. Another part of it was that I was on a bit of a destructive path after some devastating events (see blog post here) in my life and just didn’t care. It was all a toxic combination.

Being hospitalized scared me. I didn’t know what was wrong exactly and neither did the doctors. Their answer was to give me a long list of prescriptions. I had severe Edema in my leg, and my hands and wrists were swelling. I also had an allergic reaction to one of the medications my personal physician had prescribed.

When my health deteriorated, I lost everything. I lost my business, my relationship with my girlfriend, and my income. I could hardly walk. I couldn’t work. I could barely function. I am very fortunate to have a supportive and loving family. They helped get me back on my feet.

After being hospitalized, I spent several weeks doing some intense research about healthy eating and an anti-inflammatory diet. I realized that I needed a mindset change. I needed to re-prioritize my life and my choices. I found out the hard way that if you do not have your health, you do not have ANYTHING.

My research led me many different websites. I did find a lot of conflicting information. There are some very powerful lobby’s and industry advocacy groups in the U.S. that make finding facts difficult. I also found a nutrition website that had a LOT of great information, but they were trying to sell a few certain products and supplements, and it skewed their perspective and their reporting of so-called ‘facts’.

The biggest thing that I found is that FOOD IS MEDICINE. Treating a condition from the inside is the best possible route for your health. I decided to use food AS my medicine.

I have had a couple of serious back injuries. (See previous blog posts). I was an ibuprofen fiend. I would take SEVEN (7) 200mg ibuprofen 2 to 3 times daily! It would only take the edge off. I never wanted to take prescription painkillers as they are highly addictive so this was the route I chose.

Change #1: I stopped taking ibuprofen and started including Turmeric in my diet. I started taking 3 teaspoons of Turmeric powder daily (one teaspoon, 3 times per day). Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory and better than any drug on the market. You can buy the powder in the spice section or you can take a supplement (buy on Amazon by clicking here). More information on the benefits of Turmeric click here.

Change #2: I started hydrating with water that had Lemon and Lime juice in it. This meant that I stopped drinking diet soda (which robs your body of calcium and is full of sodium). Lemons are full of Potassium and Limes are full of Magnesium. Your muscles need Potassium and Magnesium to properly function. When your muscles are ‘spent’ or worn out, they stop receiving blood which also means they stop receiving nutrients. This is the main reason that people experience muscle spasms. As a person with muscle and skeletal issues from injuries, the severe muscle spasms can be debilitating. Lemon juice also helps with weight loss. I am happy to report that I don’t experience muscle spasms any longer. My healthy muscles continue to get stronger every day!

Change #3: As a BBQ restaurant owner, you can imagine that I ate a LOT of meat. In the past when I wanted to lose a few pounds, I would do a low carb diet and drop off 20 pounds in no time. I followed the Adkins Diet years ago and it worked for me. This time was different. I had to lose a lot of weight quickly to regain my health. I STOPPED EATING BEEF AND PORK, rarely ate chicken, but would eat eggs and fish. I also stopped eating dairy products. I went to a primarily plant based vegan diet.

Since making these changes I can tell you that I am a lot happier and healthier. I feel great! I exercise regularly and I have now cut chicken, most fish and eggs out of my diet and am almost entirely plant based. Essentially, I have followed an anti-inflammatory diet. My follow up post on this is here.
As a Vegan, one of my primary concerns was getting enough protein. I will do a follow-up post to this concerning protein and Vegans. In the meantime, here are some decent resources if you are curious about a plant-based diet. 

Also, check out my Top Amazon Vegan Picks here.
I highly recommend the documentary Forks Over Knives

Saturday, June 17, 2017

‘What The Health’ The Film and Documentary Highlights

As originally posted on:

What The Health the film is a groundbreaking documentary that tells you what the health care industry, big pharma, and the American government does not want you to know!   It details who supports and is in bed with the American Cancer Society, the American Diabetes Association, and the American Heart Association.

According to the World Health Organization, processed meats like hot dogs, bacon, and sausage, are linked to an increase in cancer and classified as a class one carcinogenic (like cigarettes, asbestos, and plutonium).

Two thirds of American adults are obese, one out of three have diabetes, and over fifty percent have heart disease.  Our medical community is not trained to treat the cause of these health issues, OUR NUTRITION.  They are trained and schooled to treat medical conditions with medications and surgeries.

The whole low carbohydrate diet movement plain and simple is wrong.  We simply don’t need protein from animal products in order to get enough protein in our diets.  Sugar is NOT the issue and does not cause diabetes!

We as humans can REVERSE adverse health problems by changing our diet to a whole food, plant based diet.  This is documented and there are many doctors and nutrition experts interviewed in this documentary.

This documentary is excellent and is a MUCH WATCH.  There is also a paperback available.  I am posting the link to the FREE documentary on YouTube here (also below).  There are also links to the paperback and the DVD on Amazon below.  This documentary is now available on Netflix.
If you would like more information on a plant based diet or need nutritional coaching, please contact me and see my other resources HERE.  #GoVegan

As always, if you have any questions concerning this post or any of my content, please feel free to contact me directly.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

10 Easy Weight Loss Tips

10 Easy Weight Loss Tips

As Originally posted on: 

I have personally lost a lot of weight. It is not because I eat poorly or am malnourished. I have had a full blood work up done twice in the last year and all of my numbers are excellent so I must be doing something right. I also do NOT kill myself in the gym. I have bad knees and any exercise that I do is low impact. I do not do cardio at all. I am also pretty lazy and not consistent in my work out routine. My workout is mostly walking and biking and an occasional swim. I lift a few weights now and again but nothing strenuous – just keeping some muscle tone.
When I say I have lost some weight, hear me clearly: I lost 80 lbs. in 3 months and an additional 40 lbs. In another 5 months. All together it was 120 lbs in 8 months. That is pretty significant! And I know what I did was doing it the right way and I am certain that I will never be overweight like that again.
I will save my rants about fad diets for another post. I have studied them and tried some of them to know what works and what doesn’t. The diets that work usually make it easy for a person (like ready made meals) and have personal support. Also, low carbohydrate diets (Atkins, Paleo, SouthBeach, Zone, Ketogenic, etc.) work to shed some weight, but most people don’t keep the weight off. They are also dangerous as you shed most of your electrolytes and minerals while in ketosis. In addition, anytime that you have restrictions in a diet, you will cut calories. However, restrictions usually cause people to relapse because of the many of the foods they miss and crave.
Here is the primary reason my regimen worked: I addressed the habits and reasons why I overate and made poor food choices, and I changed my lifestyle. I chose a method that could sustain me and that I could enjoy for life. I chose a well balanced vegan diet. I know where my sources of protein, calcium, Vitamin B12, Vitamins C, A, E, D, micro-nutrients, potassium, iron, magnesium and other minerals come from. I also know how many calories and carbohydrates I need to maintain or to loose weight.
I am not a nutrition expert, but I do know a couple of nutritionists and there is a lot of great information (as well as misinformation) on the internet. What I did obviously worked so I hope you find these tips helpful! Without further ado:
10 Easy Tips for Weightloss:
  1. Avoid Alcohol!Alcohol is straight sugar any way you look at it. Most people drink alcohol in the evenings and then it metabolizes while you sleep. If you are going to drink alcohol, stick with a higher quality red wine and keep it to a minimum.
  2. Avoid Processed FoodsMany people out of convenience purchase packaged and processed foods. Many of these off the shelf items contain fillers and tons of sugar and refined grains.
  3. Watch Your Carbohydrate IntakeWhen watching your carb intake, please know that it is dangerous to drop below 40 grams per day. If you are doing a low carb diet, it is recommended that you take potassium supplement to avoid seizures! When counting carbs, I do not count dietary fiber and only count carbs from sugars (or bad carbs). The minimum recommended carbohydrate intake when you are not trying to lose weight is 120 grams daily.
  4. Avoid Refined CarbohydratesIt is best to eat complex carbohydrates. Complex carbs are found in whole grains, beans, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. This means that you avoid things like refined sugar, refined flour, white rice, white potatoes, and pasta. A personal trainer friend of mine once said “If it’s white, it ain’t right”.
  5. Don’t Eat LateOne of the reasons that I gained so much weight is that I got home late from work and was famished by then. I would eat at 11:00PM and usually overeat, and then would go to bed. It is best that you don’t eat within 4 hours of doing to bed.
  6. Snack OftenYes you heard me right. If you are hungry, eat! What you choose to eat will make a big difference. My snack is an apple, a carrot, a glass of soy milk, 2 TBS of peanut butter (my guilty pleasure), or a handful of nuts. If you are hungry, pay attention to your body! If you are not hungry all the time, you will be a lot happier and have more success in your weight loss goals. Avoid sugary or pre-packaged snacks at all costs.
  7. Drink Lemon JuiceI know this sounds strange, but lemons have an amazing effect on weight loss. I’m not talking about sugary lemonade. I am talking about lemon infused water. Personally, I add lemon and lime juice to my water. I buy bottles of 100% pure lemon and lime juice and squirt a little into my water. I chose this because of the potassium and magnesium, and it also tastes great. Sipping on lemon water helps boost your metabolism and aid in digestion. It is rich in antioxidants.  Note that the citric acid in lemons can erode the enamel of your teeth so it is best to use a straw (get a reusable straw here).
  8. Get Plenty of AntioxidantsAntioxidants are found in fruits and vegetables. An antioxidant is a molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules. Without going into great detail, antioxidants keep your cells healthy and balanced. A person is supposed to have 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
  9. ExerciseI know, I know, everyone says you have to exercise to loose weight. I am not telling you to kill yourself in the gym! Just get some level of exercise daily or several time per week. Even if that means taking a walk after dinner.
  10. Stop Eating Meat and Dairy ProductsAs I mentioned earlier, I needed to have a lifestyle change. I started my weight-loss journey on a Pescatarian diet (vegetarian but still ate fish, eggs, and dairy). I was concerned about the amount of protein I would get in my diet. As I have done more research, I have found that I do not need any of those things and that there is plenty of healthy protein in beans, nuts, and many vegetables. Meat and dairy also have unnecessary saturated fat. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the western world and guess what causes heart disease? Plaque build up in your arterial walls from cholesterol, and unhealthy cholesterol comes from meat and dairy. I later found out about casein in dairy (which is cancer causing) and decided to avoid it at all costs.
I could list a lot more reasons to stop consuming animal based products and turning to a plant based diet. You can find more of that information in some of my other blog posts. I will say this though: I needed to find a lifestyle that would sustain me for life in the healthiest way possible. The only diet and lifestyle effective in doing that is vegan. There is a lot of longevity in my family but many of my family members suffered in their old age. I intend to grow old gracefully.
For more information on health and nutrition, I highly recommend Dr. Michael Greger’s book ‘How Not To Die’ and visit his website at
As always, feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions about this post or any other content in my blog.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Respectful Living

Respecting Every Aspect of Life is Important to Each Individuals Well Being. Most Import is Respecting Yourself and Others.  We Also Explore Health, Fitness, Travel, Nature, and Cultures.  This Channel is about Living a Respectful Life.  Explore With Us as We Travel and Bring Rich, Positive Content to YOU.

Cooking Class - 3 Recipes! 1 Pan Farro